Academics & Curriculum

The Mission of the Lunenburg Public Schools is to provide all students with the skills, confidence, and passion for life-long learning so that they may find their own paths to successful careers, active citizenship, and rewarding lives.

DESE Curriculum Frameworks Standards Navigator Search Tool

“Our Standards Navigator is a vastly improved (and mobile-device-compatible!) version of the now-retired Curriculum Frameworks Search. The Navigator presents the state's academic and vocational-technical standards in a dynamic, searchable format with links from specific standards to relevant resources such as student work samples, quick reference guides, and definitions of terms. There’s a lot more we’ll be doing with this tool--adding the new HSS standards, fixing bugs, etc.--but for now, please explore and enjoy what I'll call Standards Navigator 1.0.”

Curriculum Resources for Parents

Family Guides to the Standards are designed to facilitate content-rich communication and collaboration between schools and students' families. Available in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Chinese (simplified characters), the guides articulate grade-level expectations for ELA/literacy, math, and STE (HSS coming in 2019) in accessible, jargon-free terms. They also include conversation starters for home and school. Attached here for your use are some simple messages and images promoting the tools in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Equity in the curriculum