Teachers & Academic Departments
LHS Directory of Staff: Check here to find email addresses for all members of the Lunenburg High School faculty & staff. Click links below to access department and teacher websites.
DH - denotes Department Head
Chrissy Conklin
Arts & Music Department
Scott Barry-Grove
Karyn Giuliani
Sarah McGregor
English Department
Julia Callahan (DH)
Mike Estabrook
Paul Harmon
Casey McDonnell
Health & Physical Ed Department
Kevin Bigelow, Athletic Director
Steven Boone (DH)
Derek Guimond
Lisa Lavery
Pamela Vallee
Mathematics Department
Andrew Cantatore
Jennifer Miller (DH)
Jennifer Morse
Joshua Rusack
Jonathan Ciullo
Jeff Dionne
Gail Okerman (DH)
Madison Rowley, Guidance Secretary
Science Department
Social Studies Department
Hailee Attorri
Brad Hausler
Casey McDonnell
James McSweeney
Warren Stevenson (DH)
Special Services Department
Meghan Arnold
Amanda Duggan
Joshua Koziol (DH)
Bryan Speck
Jessica Walker
Technology Department
Jordan Pochini, District Technology
Brent Coxall, School Tech Support
World Language Department
Jessica Ayer (DH)
Lynn Radford
Taylor Smith
Tamara Yourk